What a summer it has been so far! There have been days when you could almost think you were in Africa! Global concerns and concerns close to home, 2022 is shaping up to be a challenging year on many fronts.

Whilst all that is happening, here’s what we’ve been doing at GAGA UK!

Remember our shipment? It arrived safely in Durban in April, but we encountered some issues with customs, and it has only just been released in July! However, we are delighted that we have already had the first few photos of how this shipment is making a difference to the lives of others.

1000 Hills Community Helpers have been able to kit out the teachers and teaching assistants from the creche and pre-school. Most of this team are volunteers, working in exchange for a hot meal and a pre-school place for their own child, so to be able to provide a warm and functional uniform to see them through the winter months has been a massive benefit.

Not forgetting the gardening and groundsmen team who keep the centre clean and tidy and all the vehicles on the road, ready to take the “Meals on Wheels” and Community Care Givers into the valley. There were nearly 300 items of clothing in the shipment so there are still plenty to be distributed to people who need them this winter.  All the children in the creche and preschool also got a new beanie hat and gloves, and some of the smaller ones also got a jumper!

It’s not an easy task to send items to South Africa but we couldn’t turn down the generosity of Vsnary and Broad Lane Leisure. We were delighted to include the handknitted children's woollies and hand-made toys as well as medical dressings from our friends at Bidford Pharmacy. Many thanks to everyone who has contributed!

In July we had a work placement student from a local secondary school. It was a pleasure to work with the student, who worked hard towards planning, preparing and delivering a charity summer fete at a local primary school! We had a brilliant afternoon, and even the GAGA lion made an appearance! Thanks to all for the support and the funds raised. You can read the blog from our work placement student here

Read on for some updates from our projects!

KYGN - primary education – Tanzania

We’re delighted that our sponsor Aduivo have made their donation to support the cohort of pupils who started at KYGN in 2021, now moving to P2b these children will benefit from the funding to provide classroom materials, a hot midday meal and teaching support – thank you ADUIVO!

Our other restricted donors for KYGN, are helping to support this year’s P7 class. They have just completed their mock exams for the secondary school entrance and had excellent results in the English papers. With such a strong track record, Anna is keen to improve on the Maths scores before the real exams…. I think those children will be working very hard for a couple more months!!

The next big project for KYGN is to construct a wall around the school perimeter, this is an important safeguarding move. Sadly, some of the children at the school are at risk from exploitation and abuse, our safe house provides accommodation, but the wall is an added protection. It’s a big target to hit - £20,000 for the whole school perimeter to be completed. Anna is looking at various solutions, but if you can help in any way, please head here and put “School Wall” in the comment!

Hillcrest Aids Centre Trust – respite care – South Africa

Just after our Spring GAGAzette was issued, the Valley of 1000 Hills was hit by torrential storms and flooding. HACT launched an emergency response as many families lost their homes and possessions.

Alongside this challenge the work of the respite unit continues, Sne* a 14 year old young woman presented at the clinic after a suspected miscarriage. She was referred to the Grassroots SKILLZ PLUS programme which assists young people living with HIV, helping them to take control of their self-care, develop a positive body image and build peer support.

One of the nurses is now mentoring Sne, helping her to accept herself and grow in confidence so she can build supportive relationships and thrive in the future. An example of how the work of HACT extends far beyond the grounds of the respite unit. (*name changed for confidentiality, photo with permission)

1000 Hills Community Helpers – Primary HealthCare Clinic – South Africa

The flood response was also front and centre of 1000 Hills Community Helpers activities earlier this year. Following an emergency appeal for blankets, food and clothing many families in the valley were assisted. Our shipment, mentioned above arrived after the worst of the flooding had abated, however the blankets contained in it are being utilised now.

The clinic continues to be a vital facility in the area, recently a road traffic accident happened nearby leaving a 6 year old boy with internal injuries and a fractured leg. He was walking to school with his 10 year old brother. Luckily some members of the community witnessed the accident and carried him, unconscious, to the clinic where he was immediately given oxygen, an intravenous line of fluids and assessed. He was kept stable until the team were able to transfer him to hospital for further treatment.

The baby clinic continues to be our main focus, and like here, price rises are really starting to bite in KZ. We’re still operating our text fundraiser so if you can, please Text GAGABABY to 70460 to donate £5. Texts will cost the donation amount plus one standard network rate message.

It’s a tough time economically, we understand that but if you can help us to help others, please consider making a small increase to your regular donation or contribute to one of the appeals in this newsletter. Every little really does help, you can text GAGATWO to 70480 to donate £2
Texts will cost the donation amount plus one standard network rate message, and you’ll be opting into hearing more from us. If you would like to donate but don’t wish to hear more from us, please text GAGATWONOINFO instead.

or try the QR code now!


Please don’t forget that you can raise extra funds for GAGA UK AT NO COST TO YOURSELF! Simply sign up to a charity linked online shopping portal, we are registered with Give as You Live, Easyfundraising and Amazon Smile – just search for “Goodwill and Growth for Africa” or pop onto our website  where you’ll find links to all of the online shopping portals.


In May we sadly lost a remarkable woman, one of GAGA UK’s loyal supporters. Guin Ventress passed peacefully and her family asked us to set up a memorial for her. You can read her fascinating story here: Guin Ventress Rest in Peace Guin.




Need to get in touch? Write: PO BOX  6751, Stratford upon Avon, CV37 1UQ 

Email: [email protected]  Phone: 01789 414088




“It’s not how much we do, but how much love we put in the doing.

It’s not how much we give, but how much love we put in the giving.”

Mother Teresa