Holy Trinity early morning December 2019

We've had some wonderful pictures of our Remembering Tree and Woollen Winter Wonderland shared on both our own social media and also the Stratford Forum Facebook page.  We love seeing locals and visitors alike engaging with the project, taking photos and taking a moment to remember their loved ones!  

This year, there are no snowy photos.... so far, but we've had some amazing blue skies which also offer a stunning backdrop to the colourful trees!  

We are so grateful for the support that individuals and business give to this project and again we look close to achieving our target of £2,500 this year.  This sum could support a Primary 7 class in Tanzania for the whole of 2020, with some additional left over for classroom improvements as well!

Yarnbombed tree Stratford upon Avon with baubles & stars

Thank you!  You really are #makingadifference