Sangobeg Alumni, Tutu Tutu has realised her dreams and achieved a Bachelor of Physiotherapy qualification with the support of the Sangobeg Scholarship Programme. She has worked extremely hard and has maintained a regular and detailed communication with us throughout our association. Tutu has put into words just how much the granting of the Sangobeg Scholarship has meant to her. This is an extract of the letter Tutu (pictured left in the middle) wrote to us following her graduation in 2015 "I am one of the luckiest girls who had the opportunity to go to varsity to study and become something in this world because of GAGA. I have always wanted to do something in the medical field because I enjoy working with people and always wanted to give back to my community through something that's medical related. After four years of hard work, I am now a qualified Physiotherapist. Something I have always wished for but back then didn't seem possible due to certain circumstances but because of the support received from GAGA, it was possible. In South Africa, almost each semester there are strikes in Universities relating to Financial exclusion. Students get excluded because they are unable to pay university fees. It is such a sad thing to witness but thanks to GAGA, my fees were always paid on time and I never had to face financial exclusion. I am now employed by the Kwa-Zulu Natal department of Health as a Junior Physiotherapist working at a tertiary hospital in Durban. I am still hoping to get deeper into the medical field and actually become a doctor some day. I am really, really thankful to GAGA. I don't know where I'd be in life if it wasn't for them. Thank you for the commitment, the dedication, the passion that they have in helping this country (South Africa). It is truly appreciated. There are no words that could express how thankful I am." I met up with Tutu when I was in South Africa in October 2019 when she was just embarking on a Masters degree in Public Health. She was planning to carry our her dissertation on the impact of traditional remedies on infant and child health. In the intervening months, Tutu continued her studies alongside her full time job, her research was impeded by the national lockdown restrictions but she persevered. However, in August she contracted Coronavirus, luckily she did not suffer severe symptoms and did not require hospitalisation and in spite of both herself and her partner becoming unwell, her son remained unaffected. She is now back to work and study and has been able to visit the hospital to carry out her data collection. We look forward to following her remarkable journey as she continues into the second year of her Masters. Tutu really is a "Woman Who Can" and we are proud to know her. There is more information on our Sangobeg Scholarship Programme here. Manage Cookie Preferences